"Hang in There Rhonda!" Covid Chronicles- April 17th, 2020


I wanted all the flavors of quarantine, including compulsive-crafting-manic and observant-silent-monk I guess, so I stayed off my phone this week. I wasn’t actually that monk-like though. Mostly I was just sneaking around looking for waves and sleeping-in across our entire bed whenever I could. The girls keep saying, “Hang in there Rhonda!”. I don’t know where they got that, but it’s perfect. 

I heard something the other week that went, “Insecurities are loud. Confidence is quiet”, so I figured I better shut up for a few days. When I think of the people I respect most this is usually how they move through the world. Maybe it’s my way to post my personal outbursts publicly so others don’t feel like they’re alone, but it’s also so I don’t feel like I’m alone. If you cry quietly in your kitchen without posting about it, does it make a sound? …Maybe even a symphony. 

Sometimes it almost seems more respectful to talk about your struggles rather than your triumphs. At least it’s easier for others to swallow. In case I die (which of course, I eventually will) and all that is left of me after some eternal fire is this digital scrapbook of scattered hippy-moments, I want my kids to know being their mom was all I ever wanted. My kids, just like Scott, are my better half. What a humbling love….Hang in there, Rhonda. 

Devon DeMintComment