She Skates Here.


I can't always figure what the crossover between Instagram and blogging is. The internet: decidedly not my puzzle to solve. However, I wanted to mention a new skate collective I've been working on, along with some of my biggest inspirations in skating and in life, in this space. It's called She Skates Here.We help each other drop in after surgeries, learn the mechanics of sliding a board along a parking curb greased with Tom's deodorant, cry about a lost pet, a chronic illness, two car accidents in one week. We invest in each other and in the idea that the shittiest shit of life is better if you aren't staring it down alone. Then we let our skating do the rest of the talking. We have an instagram account She Skates Here and a website (that's still written in Latin ;), and you can come skate with us too! All abilities, ages, walks of life welcome! Follow along to find out how.

+Instagram for She Skates Here

+Website for She Skates Here

Photos: Scott DeMint and Andrew Reilly